8 PPC Advertising Trends You Should predict in 2020

8 PPC Advertising Trends You Should predict in 2020 -

PPC advertising is a form of
digital marketing that is widely utilized today, not only because it is cheap but because it delivers massive results.

Because of its capability to drive leads, an expanding number of companies are incorporating PPC advertising into their marketing strategy. For instance, companies such as Smartsheets have utilized targeted PPC ads to drive trial users to their SaaS platform.

Digital advertising is frequently expanding and has become simpler to utilize and even more effective.

1. Union of Automation and Artificial Intelligence :

Have you ever wondered why companies such as Google and Amazon created internet-dependent devices to manage your home’s functions? This was an innovative approach to capture data on people’s behavior. With that information, they are capable of presenting personalized, related ads and experiences confide on your earlier actions.

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Companies like Google have access to an enormous amount of information and they utilize it to create automation systems, which is a system built to understand the patterns of user behavior. This can then be utilized to advertisers’ benefit.

Why does this matter to you? Because with vast amounts of data and sophisticated artificial intelligence technology, Google can provide advertisers highly targeted audiences. Rather than wasting money on audiences that are not ready to buy, you will be capable of delivering your ad at the precise moment someone is likely to make a purchase decision.

Artificial intelligence technologies are not perfect and are still speedily evolving, but it is only expected to correct over time.


8 PPC Advertising Trends You Should predict in 2020

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2. Fewer Organic Results in Internet Searches :

How commonly do you scroll through to the fourth page of the search results when utilizing a search engine? Many studies suggest that internet users are generally satisfied with what they find in the first three pages of search engines.

This may not seem like a problem, but in the future experts say that platforms like Google will start to show fewer results and limit the number of web pages for each user’s search.

To be a search engine results at all, you require to create high-quality content that will rank highly. If you can not do that, you will have to invest in paid advertising. 


3. Enhance utilization of Video Ads Across Channels :

Videos are powerful and one of the most effective methods to transmit information. They allow a brand to show their personality, tell their story, and ultimately associate with their audience. It is simpler to connect to a brand when you can visualize it. Some studies have shown that people trust a product more if they see a video of someone doing a show of it.

Considering people’s fondness of video, it is not wonder that the average user spends 88% more time on a website that has videos.

Videos are not new but they have been challenging for many companies to add to their marketing mix. Production costs can be high and many companies do not have in-house talent to create them. But that has not stopped a lot of companies. Every year, more brands are utilizing videos as part of their marketing strategy.

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We predict that video usage will continue to expand as it becomes simpler to create high-quality videos. Professional video equipment and editing software is becoming more accessible and smartphone cameras are constantly correcting. This enables more companies to routinely create video content that engages their target audience.

While YouTube has long been an essential advertising channel, other channels such as LinkedIn, Snapchat, and Instagram offer native video advertising and should be considered. You do not require a fancy video camera to make a video ad for Snapchat or Instagram Stories.

Using video ads on these other channels will give you the ability to reach and associate with a larger audience.

4. Use of Different Advertising Platforms :

In the world of marketing, the more people you reach, the more customers you will likely get at the end of the day.

To do this, it is necessary to utilize multiple platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads, and Amazon Ads. This ensures that you have a broad reach and more chances to convert prospects into customers in less time.

5. Advanced Segmentation of Audiences :

Audience segmentation refers to the effective grouping of users confide on their requirements so that each user sees ads about definite products or services at a definite time.

Companies such as Google have access to immense amounts of data, which enables them to deliver highly appropriate search results to its users.

Much of this data is also accessible to users of their ad platform. While some level of segmentation has always been feasible, the options are expanding. 

In PPC ad campaigns, market analysis permits you to select which group of people or market sees your ad. This expanded the opportunity of a user seeing a related ad and inspiring them to act.

More data means more sophisticated segmentation. In 2020, segmentation options will continue to expand  and marketers will be capable of developing highly targeted and personalized campaigns.

6. Marketing in Virtual Reality :

Advertising in virtual reality is relatively unexplored. We predict that as virtual reality technology corrects and users expand, advertising platforms will emerge.

Virtual reality provides users the capability to simply calculate products. They can see what the product looks like from all angles, determine its size, and even test it out in the virtual world. They do not have to drive to the store to look at it or touch it. They have access to a true-to-life representation from wherever they’re located.

7. Voice Searches Will Continue to Increase :

Voice searches are becoming much more leading among mobile device users. By 2020 more than 50% of the searches will be carried out through voice searches.

Why is this important?

When conducting voice searches, users generally utilize unique conversational phrases. Search engines must interpret and then give related information to them. In the case of PPC ads, these searches also influence which pages ads appear on. Therefore, each company must guarantee that its ads adapt to voice search.

If you do not take this into consideration, it is very likely that your ads will not be seen by many users.

8. Remarketing Remains Effective :

Remarketing is utilizing a form of advertising on a product or service when a user visits a web page or becomes familiar with your brand but does not make any purchase. Have you ever visited Amazon and for some reason decided not to buy the product you were browsing? 

When you see the product again,  it is likely that you will buy it.

This strategy is profitable and produces good results as it reaffirms users’ desire to buy a product without them really noticing. But it must be set up appropriately and the ad placement must align with your target buyer’s journey. Considerate your buyer and where they spend their time online is the key to effective campaigns.

Conclusion :

These PPC trends will modify the future of digital advertising. Some of them are previously happening today, while others are sure to come. It is crucial to stay alert to developing technologies, channels, and behavioral research so that you can adapt and refine your advertising strategy.

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